CBN Cosmetique Bio Naturelle Suisse is the cosmetic line created on the basis of scientific discoveries made by prestigious Nobel Prize winners in medicine. It was discovered that germ cells (progenitor cells produced by living organisms and destined for reproduction) contain a specific enzyme called telomerase, which is able to protect the length of telomeres (the ends of chromosomes), thus keeping the cells alive for a longer time. On the basis of this discovery, CBN laboratories have created a new multifunctional active complex, BIO-GERMINAL COMPLEXE, composed of extracts of Active Germ Cells, capable of promoting the creation of new skin cells and enabling them to reproduce continuously
Sirpea is the most renowned Italian company in the world of cosmetics, producing and distributing high-end brands in Italy and abroad since 1946
S.i.r.p.e.a. Srl | via della Liberazione 56 – 20098 San Giuliano Milanese (MI) | | P.iva 00748000155
S.i.r.p.e.a. Srl
via della Liberazione 56
20098 San Giuliano Milanese (MI)
P.iva 00748000155